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Reports and White Papers Available on the Internet
Click on any of the links below to view the document
Note: some of these documents are very large and may take a while to download to your browser. Most are in PDF format.

Date Category Document Source Keywords
    Race and Housing  Where to File Housing Discrimination Complaints  Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities   
    Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  Chicago Dept.of Buildings -Landlord Tenant Ordinance  City of Chicago Department of Buildings  'Fair Housing' 'Housing Codes'  
    Development/Gentrification  Gentrification Web  Tom Slater  'Gentrification'  
    Other  Rental Housing Assistance Reports  HUD  'Rental Housing'  
    Development/Gentrification  The Industrial Structure of Affordable Housing Mortage Lending  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing'  
    Other  The Role of Housing as a Component of Household Wealth  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
    Other  Housing Burden An Issue No Matter Where You Live in the Region  Metro Chicago Information Center (MCIC)  'Affordable Housing'  
    Development/Gentrification  PolicyLink Equitable Development Toolkit  PolicyLink  'Gentrification'  
    Development/Gentrification  Globalization Comes to Uptown  Kari Neumeyer- Global Chicago  'Gentrification'  
    Other  Various Community Development Studies  UIC- Center for Urban and Economic Development   
    Other  Affordable Housing: New Strategies for a Growing Crisis  Community Media Workshop  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
    Other  Preservation of Existing Housing: A Key Element in a Revitalized National Housing Policy  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
    Other  Online archives of Woodstock Institutes Publications  Woodstock Institute   
    Other  Publications list of rural housing issues  Housing Assistance Council   
    Subsidy/Incentive Programs  What are Housing Trust Funds?  Center for Community Change   
    Other  Housing Policy Debate Archives  Fannie Mae   
    Other  American Planning Association’s Affordable Housing Reader  American Planning Association   
 1985   Development/Gentrification  Tax, Title, & Housing Court Search  UIC- Voorhees Center  'Gentrification' 'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 1991   Other  Preserving the Low-Income Housing Stock: What Nonprofit Organizations Can Do Today and Tommorow  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1995   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  HMDA Report for Chicago 1995  Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  'Housing Market'  
 1995   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  HUD American Housing Survey - Chicago 1995  HUD  'Housing Market'  
 1995   Development/Gentrification  Chicago Rehab Network  'Affordable Housing' 'Cooperatives' 'Gentrification' 'Rental Housing'  
 1995   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Housing Policy Debate  'Cooperatives' 'Public Housing'  
 1995   Other  Evaluation of Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives in the United States  University of Connecticut  'Affordable Housing'  
 1996   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Staying in the Game: Exploring Options for Urban Sustainability  Urban Sustainability Learning Group  'Environment' 'Urban Sprawl'  
 1996   Other  Lessons from the Field: Three Case Studies of Mixed-Income Housing Development  UIC Great Cities Institute   
 1996   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Future Directions of the Chicago Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation  UIC- Great Cities Institute   
 1996   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Development and Analysis of the National Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Affordable Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1996   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Homesteading Program, Chicago: Single-Family Community Land Trust Housing  Shelterforce Online  'Affordable Housing'  
 1997   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  CHA Resident Satisfaction and Management Needs Survey  HUD/ABT Associates/UIC  'Public Housing'  
 1997   Other  Mixed-Income Housing: Unanswered Questions  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Mixed-income housing' 'Public Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1997   Race and Housing  Examining the Relationship Between Housing, Education, and Persistent Segregation  The Institute on Race and Poverty  'Housing Market'  
 1997   Other  Saving Affordable Housing: What Community Groups Can Do & What Government Should Do  National Housing Institute  'Affordable Housing'  
 1998   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  The State of Housing in Chicago  Pragmatics - Journal of the Policy Research Action Group  'Affordable Housing' 'Fair Housing' 'Gentrification' 'Housing Market' 'Public Housing'  
 1998   Other  Putting our Minds Together: The Digital Network Infrastructure and Metro Chicago  Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and Northwestern Univ   
 1998   Other  A Study of Housing and Personal Assistance Issues for People with Disabilities Residing in Nursing H  Loyola Center for Urban Research and Learning   
 1998   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  The Secure Program: Safety Enhanced Communities Utilizing Resident Endeavors  Loyola Center for Urban Research and Learning  'Affordable Housing'  
 1998   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Case Studies of Vouchered-Out Assisted Properties  HUD  'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1998   Other  Making Homeownership a Reality: Survey of Habitat for Humanity International Homeowners and Affiliat  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1998   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Expanding the Nations Supply of Affordable Housing: An Evaluation of the HOME Investment Partnership  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1998   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Toward a Targeted Homeownership Tax Credit  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1998   Other  Equity Participation in Homeownership by Institutional Investors  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1998   Other  The Housing Needs of Lower-Income Homeowners  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing'  
 1998   Race and Housing  Understanding the Minority Contribution to U.S. Owner Household Growth  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1998   Other  State of the Nations Housing 1998  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1998   Other  The Effects of Property, Owner, Location, and Tenant Characteristics on Multifamily Profitability  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development' 'Rental Housing'  
 1998   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown, and Chicago Lawn, Chicago  HUD- CityScape   
 1999   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Chicago - MSA Profile and Investment Opportunities 1999  Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  'Housing Market'  
 1999   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  HUD American Housing Survey - Chicago 1999  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 1999   Other  Effects of Impact Fees on the Suburban Chicago Housing Market  Heartland Institute  'Housing Market'  
 1999   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  IHARP First Annual Report 1999  UIC Voorhees Center   
 1999   Chicago Rental Market  Regional Rental Market Analysis  Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and UIC  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Public Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1999   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Another Look at Employer-Assisted Housing  Dan Hoffman Housing   
 1999   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  CHAC Section 8 Program: Barriers to Successful Leasing UP  Urban Institute  'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 1999   Chicago Rental Market  Assessment of Housing Investment and Price Trends in the West Englewood Community  UIC Voorhees Center   
 1999   Other  Building and Operating Neighborhood Indicator Systems: A Guidebook  The Urban Insititute   
 1999   Other  Housing in the 21st Century  Urban Land Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Real Estate Development'  
 1999   Other  A Critical Look at Rising Homeownership Rates in the United States Since 1994  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1999   Other  State of the Nations Housing 1999  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1999   Other  Home Building Patterns in Metropolitan Areas  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 1999   Predatory Lending  Preying on Neighborhoods: Subprime Mortage Lending and Chicagoland Foreclosures  National Training and Information Center  'Predatory Lending'  
 1999   Development/Gentrification  Battling Uneven Development in Chicago  Phil and Gwen Nyden  'Gentrification' 'Housing Market'  
 1999   Race and Housing  Unfinished Business: Increases in African-American Home Buying and Continuing Residential Segregatio  Woodstock Institute   
 1999   Other  The Foundation of An Analysis of Residential Lending Patterns in Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, Michi  Woodstock Institute   
 1999   Development/Gentrification  Fannie Mae Foundation   
 2000   Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  City of Chicago - Fair Housing Plan  City of Chicago  'Fair Housing'  
 2000   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  CHA Admissions And Occupancy Policy  Chicago Housing Authority   
 2000   Race and Housing  Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region  Loyola University Center for Urban Research and Learning  'Housing Market'  
 2000   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Assessing Government Assisted Multi-Family Housing  Chicago Rehab Network   
 2000   Race and Housing  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Subsidized Housing'  
 2000   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Affordable Housing'  
 2000   Race and Housing  Race, Class, and the Abuse of State Power: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago  UIC Voorhees Center   
 2000   Race and Housing  Housing Discrimination & Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region  Loyola Center for Urban Research and Learning  'Fair Housing'  
 2000   Other  Lessons from the History of Affordable Housing Cooperatives in the United States: A Case Study in Am  American Journal of Economics and Sociology  'Affordable Housing' 'Cooperatives'  
 2000   Other  Families Hardist Hit: Effects of Welfare Reform on Homeless Families  Chicago Coalition for the Homeless   
 2000   Other  Access to Jobs in the Six-County Northeastern Illinois Region: An Environmental Justice Perspectiv  UIC Urban Transportation Center  'Environment'  
 2000   Development/Gentrification  Why Spatial Mismatch Still Matters  Critical Planning: James Spencer  'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing' 'Urban Sprawl'  
 2000   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Rental Housing Assistance — The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs  HUD  'Rental Housing'  
 2000   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  2000 Report on Illinois Poverty  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance   
 2000   Other  Effective Strategies for Community Development Finance  Office of the Comptroller of the Currency   
 2000   Other  State of the Nations Housing 2000  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2000   Other  The U.S. Homebuilding Industry: A Half Century of Building the American Dream  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2000   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Reinventing the Company Town: Employer Assisted Housing  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Employer-Assisted Housing'  
 2000   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Scarcity and Success: Perspectives on Assisted Housing  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2000   Race and Housing  Race, Class, and the Abuse of State Power: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago  UIC- Voorhees Center   
 2000   Other  Renewing Public Assets for Community Development  LISC  'Real Estate Development'  
 2000   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  New Directions in Planning Theory  Urban Affairs Review   
 2001   Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  Chicago Forum on Housing Solutions - Action Plan  Chicago Forum on Housing Solutions (Chicago DOH)   
 2001   Race and Housing  Envisioning Racially Just, Opportunity- Based Housing for the Chicago Region  Institue on Race and Poverty / University of Minnesota  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Uptown Housing and Land Use Study (Loyola)  Loyola University Center for Urban Research and Learning   
 2001   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Mixing It Up: Public Housing Redevelopment in Chicago  UIC - Urban Planning and Policy Program (Janet Smith)  'Affordable Housing' 'Mixed-income housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Do Federal Funds Better Support Cities or Suburbs? A Spatial Analysis of Federal Spending in the Chi  University of Illinois   
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Fannie Mae - Urban Institute - Fordham Univ  'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Whole Census Tract Demographic Database (from PL and SF1 Census Files)  Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission   
 2001   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Public Housing in the Public Interest: Examining the Chicago Housing Authority  Metropolitan Planning Council  'Public Housing'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Affordable Housing and Smart Growth: making the Connection  National Neighborhood Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Urban Sprawl'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Where Will They Live: Metropolitan Dimensions of Affordable Housing Problems  Harvard University - Joint Center for Housing Studies  'Affordable Housing' 'Gentrification' 'Urban Sprawl'  
 2001   Other  Barriers to the Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Vol.2  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Barriers to the Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Vol.1  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2001   Predatory Lending  A Prudent Approach to Preventing Predatory Lending  Brookings Institution   
 2001   Predatory Lending  Quantifying the Economic Cost of Predatory Lending  Coalition for Responsible Lending  'Predatory Lending'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Dealing with Neighborhood Change: A Primer on Gentrification and Policy Choices  Brookings Institute  'Gentrification'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Whos buying Where?  Woodstock Institute  'Gentrification' 'Housing Market'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Gentrification in West Town:  UIC Voorhees Center   
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Highland Park Affordable Housing Plan  UIC Voorhees Center   
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Rental Housing Production Need Estimates  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Rental Housing'  
 2001   Other  Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Rental Housing'  
 2001   Other  Low Income Housing and Services Programs: Towards a New Perspective  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Gentrification: Practices and Policies  LISC  'Gentrification'  
 2001   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Expanding Affordable Housing Through Inclusionary Zoning: Lessons From the Washington Metropolitan A  The Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing'  
 2001   Other  The House Next Door  Innovative Housing Institute   
 2001   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Money Income in the United States: 2001  U.S. Census Bureau   
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Study of the Ongoing Affordability of HOME Program Rents  HUD  'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Tools and Strategies for Improving Community Relations in the Housing Choice Voucher Program  HUD  'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Other  A Report on Worst Case Housing Needs in 1999: New Opportunity Amid Continuing Challenges, Executive  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  2001 Report on Illinois Property  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance   
 2001   Other  Examing Supply-Side Constraints to Low-income Homeownership  Jpint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing'  
 2001   Race and Housing  Homeownership Trends and Inequality in the United States in the 20th Century  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University   
 2001   Development/Gentrification  The Anatomy of the Low-Income Homeownership Boom in the 1990s  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Eliminating Credit Barriers to Increase Homeownership: How Far Can We Go?  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing'  
 2001   Other  A Little Knowledge is a Good Thing: Empirical Evidence of the Effectiveness of Pre-Purchased Homeown  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University   
 2001   Other  Home Price Appreciation in Low and Moderate Income Markets  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  The Policy Implications of Portfolio Choices in underserved Mortgage Markets  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Prepayment Risk and Lower Income Mortgage Borrowers  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Race and Housing  Performance of Low-Income and Minority Mortgages  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Community Reinvestment Lending: A Description and Contrast of Loan Production  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing'  
 2001   Other  The Social Benefits and Costs of Home Ownership  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Do Homeownership Programs Increase Property Values in Low-Income Neighborhoods?  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  The Impact of Homeownership on Child Outcomes  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Housing Wealth and Accumulation: Intergenerational Impacts  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University   
 2001   Other  State of the Nations Housing 2001  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Immigration and Rental Prices  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  The New Demographics of Housing  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market' 'Housing Market'  
 2001   Other  Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2001   Other  Housing Problems by Tenure and Income Range  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2001   Other  Rental Housing Production Need Estimates  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2001   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Low Income Housing and Services Programs: Towards a New Perspective  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Other  Low Income Housing Profile  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Public Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Gentrification in West Town: Contested Ground  UIC- Voorhees Center  'Gentrification'  
 2001   Development/Gentrification  Low-to Moderate-Income Lending in Context: Progress Report on the Neighborhood Impacts of Homeowners  Fannie Mae Foundation  'Gentrification' 'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2001   Other  Rehabilitation Data Needs:A Building Industry Forum  Harvad Joint Center for Housing Studies  'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2001   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Closing the Gap: Financing Affordable Housing in the Chicago Area  Institute for Metropolitan Affairs- Roosevelt University   
 2002   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Metropolis 2020 - Housing Overview  Metropolis 2020  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicago Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties  Chicago Rehab Network   
 2002   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  2002 Housing Action Agenda - MPC and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus  Metropolitan Planning Council and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Regional Employer- Assisted Collaboration for Housing - 2001 Year-end Report  Metropolitan Planning Council  'Affordable Housing' 'Employer-Assisted Housing'  
 2002   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the Chicago Region  Metropolis 2020  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2002   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Public Housing in the Public Interest: Examining the Chicago Housing Authority  Metropolitan Planning Council  'Public Housing'  
 2002   Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  City DOH Affordable Housing Plan: Quarterly Progress Report June 30, 2002  City of Chicago Department of Housing  'Affordable Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Zoning For A Better Chicago (MPC Brief)  Metropolitan Planning Council  'Zoning'  
 2002   Race and Housing  Racism and Metropolitan Dynamics: The Civil Rights Challenge of the 21st Century  Ford Foundation / Institute on Race and Poverty  'Affordable Housing' 'Fair Housing'  
 2002   Other  Beyond Maps: The Next Generation of GIS Tools  American Planning Association   
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  IHARP Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Report 2002  UIC Voorhees Center   
 2002   Predatory Lending  Anti-Predatory lending Toolkit  National Community Reinvestment Coalition   
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Wage Data - Occupational Statistics  Illinois Department of Employment Security   
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Labor Force Report - County and Municipal  Illinois Department of Employment Security   
 2002   Race and Housing  Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets  Urban Institute  'Fair Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2002   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Chicago Program Holds Substantial Promise of Helping Residents Move to Lower-Poverty Neighborhoods  Urban Institute   
 2002   Other  Meeting Our Nations Housing Challenges  Millenial Housing Commission   
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Chicago Census 2000: Recent Demographic Trends in the Chicago Metropolitan Area  Loyola University-Chicago, Kenneth Johnston   
 2002   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  CHAC Mobility Counseling Assessment: Final Report  Urban Institute  'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Other  Changing Priorities: The Federal Budget and Housing Assistance, 1976-2006  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Race and Housing  NIMBY Report Fall 2002: Using Civil Rights Laws to Advance Affordable Housing  National Low Income Housing Coalition   
 2002   Development/Gentrification  Housing Initiative in Illinois: Many Successes, A Long Road Ahead  Chicago Coalition for the Homeless  'Affordable Housing' 'Fair Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Chicago Rental Market  Illinois Affordable Housing Primer  Illinois Poverty Summit   
 2002   Race and Housing  Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000  U.S. Census Special Reports  'Housing Market'  
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Maps of the African American and White Populations in the Chicago, IL PMSA  The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Employment and Trainin   
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  State of the Cities Data Systems  HUD  'Affordable Housing'  
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  The Importance of Housing Benefits to Welfare Success  Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  2002 Report on Illinois Poverty  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance   
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  The Hope VI Resident Tracking Study  Urban Land Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Development/Gentrification  An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University   
 2002   Other  Mixed-Income Housing Developements: Promise and Reality  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Mixed-income housing'  
 2002   Other  Housing for Very Low-Income Households: The Record of President Clinton, 1993-2000  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Affordable Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Other  Young American Adults Living in Parental Homes  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Anaylsis of Chicago Foreclosures  National Training and Information Center  'Housing Market'  
 2002   Other  Chicagos Undocumented Immigrants: An Analysis of Wages, Working Conditions, and Economic Contributio  UIC- Center for Urban and Economic Development   
 2002   Other  Illinois Affordable Housing Primer  Heartland Alliance  'Affordable Housing'  
 2002   Other  Housing for Very Low-Income Households: The Record of President Clinton, 1993-2000  Harvad Joint Center for Housing Studies  'Affordable Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2002   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Stemming the Tide: A Handbook on Preserving Subsidized Multifamily Housing  LISC  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2002   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Community Lending Factbook  Woodstock Institute   
 2002   Race and Housing  Race and Residence in the Chicago Metropolitan Area 1980 to 2000  Institute for Metropolitan Affairs- Roosevelt University   
 2002   Other  The Working Poor: Evidence from the Illinois Families Study  Institute for Metropolitan Affairs- Roosevelt University   
 2003   Development/Gentrification  Valuing Housing: Public Perceptions of Affordable Housing in the Chicago Region,  Housing Illinois   
 2003   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Residents at Risk: A Profile of Ida B. Wells and Madden Park  Urban Institute  'Public Housing'  
 2003   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Out of Reach 2003: Americas Housing Wage Climbs  The National Low Income Housing Coalition   
 2003   Development/Gentrification  Housing Set-Asides: An Idea Whose Time Has Come  National Housing Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2003   Other  Getting Housed, Staying Housed  Chicago Continuum of Care   
 2003   Chicago Rental Market  Chicago Renters Resource Guide  Lawyers Committee for Better Housing  'Fair Housing' 'Rental Housing'  
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  The Practice of Low Impact Development  HUD  'Affordable Housing' 'Environment'  
 2003   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Right at Home: Local Support for Employer Assisted Housing  Metropolitain Planning Council  'Employer-Assisted Housing'  
 2003   Other  Short Term Pay, Long Time Struggles  National Training and Information Center   
 2003   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Tax Policy as Housing Policy: The EITCs Potential to Make Housing More Affordable for Working Famili  Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2003   Other  Civic Infrastructure and the Financing of Community Development  Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2003   Other  Vacating the City: An Analysis of New Homes vs. Household Growth  Brookings Institute  'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2003   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Rethinking Local Affordable Housing Strategies: Lessons from 70 Years of Policy and Practice  Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Mixed-income housing' 'Public Housing' 'Real Estate Development' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Paying for Prosperity: Impact Fees and Job Growth  Brookings Institute  'Real Estate Development'  
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  The State Role in Urban Land Redevelopment  Brookings Institute  'Real Estate Development'  
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  City Fiscal Structures and Land Development  Brookings Institute  'Real Estate Development'  
 2003   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  The Earned Income Tax Credit as an Instrument of Housing Policy  Brookings Institute  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Is Home Rule The Answer? Clarifying The Influence Of Dillons Rule On Growth Management  Brookings Institute  'Urban Sprawl'  
 2003   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Not Even A Place in Line: Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Program Capacity and Waiting Li  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance  'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2003   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  2003 Report on Illinois Poverty  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance   
 2003   Other  Illinois Affordable Housing Primer  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance  'Affordable Housing'  
 2003   Other  Sustaining Home Ownership Through Education and Counseling  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University   
 2003   Other  State of the Nations Housing 2003  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2003   Other  How Local Rent Change and Earning Capacity Affect Natural Household Formation by Young Adults  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2003   Other  Measuring Outcomes of Digital Divide Investment to Community Technology Centers  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign   
 2003   Race and Housing  The Great Divide: Home Mortage Lending Nationally and 115 Metropolitan Areas  Acorn  'Housing Market'  
 2003   Other  2003 Advocates Guide to Housing and Community Development Policy  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2003   Other  Out of Reach 2003: Americas Housing Wage Climbs  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2003   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  Affordable Planning and Appeal Act  IHDA  'Affordable Housing'  
 2003   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Making Rents More Affordable: An Analysis of the Statewide Rental Subsidy Progrem  Business and Professional People for the Public Interest  'Affordable Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2003   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Reinvestment Alert 22: Where Banks Arent: Despite Growth in Chicago Area Bank Offices, Low-Income an  Woodstock Institute   
 2003   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Reinvestment Alert 21: Impacts of CDFIs in Illinois: A Case for an Improved Illinois Fund for Invest  Woodstock Institute   
 2003   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Poverty and Housing in the Northwest Suburbs  Institute for Metropolitan Affairs- Roosevelt University   
 2003   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  New Growth in Older Communities  Center for Neighborhood Technology   
 2004   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  2004 Report on Illinois Poverty: An Analysis on Rural Poverty  Mid-America Institute on Poverty of Heartland Alliance   
 2004   Other  State of the Nations Housing 2002  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2004   Other  Risky Business- An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Subprime and Neighborhood Forecl  Woodstock Institute   
 2004   Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  City of Chicago Five Year Affordable Housing Plan 2004-2008  City of Chicago Department of Housing  'Affordable Housing'  
 2004   Other  Immigration, Gentrification and Chicago Race/Ethnic Relations in the New Global Era  Metro Chicago Information Center (MCIC)  'Gentrification'  
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Siting Affordable Housing: Location and Neighborhood Trends of Low Income Housing Tax Credit Develop  Brookings Institution  'Subsidized Housing'  
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Keep HOPE (VI) Alive  Brookings Institution  'Subsidized Housing'  
 2004   Chicago Rental Market  Preservation Initiative Toolkit  Chicago Rehab Network  'Affordable Housing' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2004   Other  Think Globally, Act Locally  Metro Chicago Information Center (MCIC)   
 2004   Other  State of the Nations Housing 2004  Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University  'Housing Market'  
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicagos Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties  Chicago Rehab Network   
 2004   Chicago Depts.Housing-Bldg  Build-Preserve-Lead: A Housing Agenda for Chicagos Neighborhoods  City of Chicago Department of Housing  'Affordable Housing' 'Gentrification' 'Mixed-income housing'  
 2004   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Metropolis Index: Housing as Opportunity  Metropolis 2020  'Housing Market'  
 2004   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the Chicago Region  Metropolis 2020  'Employer-Assisted Housing' 'Housing Market'  
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  The Case for Joining Forces: Affordable Housing and Quality Education  Metropolitan Planning Council  'Employer-Assisted Housing'  
 2004   Other  Losing Ground in the Best of Times: Low Income Renters in the 1990s  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing'  
 2004   Other  America’s Neighbors: The Affordable Housing Crisis and the People it Affects  National Low Income Housing Coalition  'Affordable Housing' 'Housing Market' 'Rental Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2004   Other  Working Families with Children: A Closer Look at Homeownership Trends, May 2004  National Housing Conference  'Housing Market' 'Real Estate Development'  
 2004   CHA/IHDA/Public Housing  2005-2009 IHDA State Housing Consolidated Plan  IHDA  'Affordable Housing' 'Employer-Assisted Housing' 'Public Housing' 'Subsidized Housing'  
 2004   Development/Gentrification  Immigration, Gentrification, and Chicago Race/ Ethnic Relations in the New Global Era  Garth Taylor (MCIC), Sylvia Puente (Univ. Notre Dame)  'Gentrification'  
 2004   Other  Toolkit: Ending Homelessness  Corporation for Supportive Housing  'Affordable Housing'  
 2004   Other  Communities of Quality: Defining and Quantifying Quality Affordable Housing  National Affordable Housing Management Association  'Affordable Housing'  
 2004   Predatory Lending  Risky Business - An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Subprime Lending and Neighborho  Woodstock Institute  'Predatory Lending' 'Predatory Lending' 'Predatory Lending'  
 2004   Other  Building Community Assets: A Guide to Credit Union Partnerships  Woodstock Institute  'Affordable Housing'  
 2004   Other  A Global Survey of Community Reinvestment Laws: The Obligation of the Private Sector to Serve the Un  Woodstock Institute   
 2004   Other  New Terms for Payday Loans - High Cost Lenders Change Loan Terms to Evade Illinois Consumer Protecti  Woodstock Institute   
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Increasing the Stock of Affordable Housing: The Value of Different Strategies in a Growing Crisis  Woodstock Institute   
 2004   Other  From Homeland to a Home: Immigrants and Homeownership in America  Fannie Mae   
 2004   Subsidy/Incentive Programs  Preservation Initiative Toolkit  Chicago Rehab Network   
 2004   Zoning, Planning, Land Use  Land Reform, Chicago Style  Center for Neighborhood Technology   
 2005   Other  Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America  Center for Housing Policy/ National Housing Conference   
 2005   Data Profiles-Chicago Area  Homes for a Changing Region  The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and Chicago Metropolis 2020   
 2006   Other  2006 Advocates Guide to Housing and Community Development Policy  National Low Income Housing Coalition   
 2006   Chicago Rental Market  Affordable Housing Outlook and Conditions in Chicago: An Early Warning for Intervention  UIC - Nathalie P. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Commu