Greater Chicago Housing and Community Development Website
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Affordable Rentals supported by DOH

Useful links pertaining to keyword 'Rental Housing'

Frequently Asked Questions
 I may lose my apartment because the building is being sold 
 I am being evicted 
 Where can I find landlord training? 
 How can I find training? 
 How can I get involved with the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program? 
 Can I get my security deposit returned? 
 I am having trouble getting my security deposit returned 
 I am looking for rental counseling 
 How can I find a property owner association? 
 Im having trouble with my neighbors 
 How can I find resources on property management? 
 What are rights and responsibilities as a renter? 
 The tenants in my building would like to form a tenants organization 
 My apartment building is unsafe or unsanitary 
 What are my rights as a senior? 
 What are my rights and responsibilites as a landlord? 
 Where can I get information on security deposit interest rates? 

On-line Document Library
 Chicago Forum on Housing Solutions - Action Plan 
 Regional Rental Market Analysis 
 Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets 
 Meeting Our Nations Housing Challenges 
 Valuing Housing: Public Perceptions of Affordable Housing in the Chicago Region, 
 Rental Housing Production Need Estimates 
 Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units 
 2006 Advocates Guide to Housing and Community Development Policy 
 Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America 
 Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America 
 Housing Initiative in Illinois: Many Successes, A Long Road Ahead 
 Chicago Renters Resource Guide 
 Why Spatial Mismatch Still Matters 
 City of Chicago 2003 Final Action Plan 
 Rental Housing Assistance — The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs 
 Rental Housing Assistance Reports 
 Civic Infrastructure and the Financing of Community Development 
 Preservation Initiative Toolkit 
 Chicagos Human Services System Confronts a Decade of Change 
 Losing Ground in the Best of Times: Low Income Renters in the 1990s 
 America’s Neighbors: The Affordable Housing Crisis and the People it Affects 
 Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units 
 Housing Problems by Tenure and Income Range 
 Rental Housing Production Need Estimates 
 Scarcity and Success: Perspectives on Assisted Housing 
 Low Income Housing and Services Programs: Towards a New Perspective 
 Low Income Housing Profile 
 Out of Reach 2003: Americas Housing Wage Climbs 
 America’s Neighbors: The Affordable Housing Crisis and the People it Affects 
 Metropolis 2020 - Housing Overview 
 Making Rents More Affordable: An Analysis of the Statewide Rental Subsidy Progrem 
 Affordable Housing: New Strategies for a Growing Crisis 
 The Effects of Property, Owner, Location, and Tenant Characteristics on Multifamily Profitability 
 Chicago Rehab Network - Analyses of Chicago DOH Quarterly Reports 
 Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicago Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties 
 Assessing Government Assisted Multi-Family Housing 
 2002 Housing Action Agenda - MPC and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus 
 Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the Chicago Region 
 City DOH Affordable Housing Plan: Quarterly Progress Report June 30, 2002 
 City DOH Affordable Housing Plan: Quarterly Progress Report March 30, 2002 
 Mixed-Income Housing: Unanswered Questions