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On-line Document Library
 Chicago Forum on Housing Solutions - Action Plan 
 CHA Admissions And Occupancy Policy 
 CHA Resident Satisfaction and Management Needs Survey 
 Regional Rental Market Analysis 
 Chicago Program Holds Substantial Promise of Helping Residents Move to Lower-Poverty Neighborhoods 
 CHAC Section 8 Program: Barriers to Successful Leasing UP 
 Meeting Our Nations Housing Challenges 
 Valuing Housing: Public Perceptions of Affordable Housing in the Chicago Region, 
 Future Directions of the Chicago Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation 
 Race, Class, and the Abuse of State Power: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago 
 Residents at Risk: A Profile of Ida B. Wells and Madden Park 
 CHAC Mobility Counseling Assessment: Final Report 
 CHAC Mobility Counseling Assessment: Final Report 
 Changing Priorities: The Federal Budget and Housing Assistance, 1976-2006 
 City of Chicago 2003 Final Action Plan 
 Case Studies of Vouchered-Out Assisted Properties 
 A Report on Worst Case Housing Needs in 1999: New Opportunity Amid Continuing Challenges, Executive 
 Rethinking Local Affordable Housing Strategies: Lessons from 70 Years of Policy and Practice 
 The Importance of Housing Benefits to Welfare Success 
 Not Even A Place in Line: Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Program Capacity and Waiting Li 
 The Hope VI Resident Tracking Study 
 Low Income Housing Profile 
 2005-2009 IHDA State Housing Consolidated Plan 
 Race, Class, and the Abuse of State Power: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago 
 Building Community Assets: A Guide to Credit Union Partnerships 
 Chicago Rehab Network - Analyses of Chicago DOH Quarterly Reports 
 Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicago Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties 
 The State of Housing in Chicago 
 Mixing It Up: Public Housing Redevelopment in Chicago 
 Public Housing in the Public Interest: Examining the Chicago Housing Authority 
 City DOH Affordable Housing Plan: Quarterly Progress Report June 30, 2002 
 City DOH Affordable Housing Plan: Quarterly Progress Report March 30, 2002 
 Public Housing in the Public Interest: Examining the Chicago Housing Authority 
 Mixed-Income Housing: Unanswered Questions