Greater Chicago Housing and Community Development Website
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Frequently Asked Questions
 How can developers get involved in affordable housing programs? 
 How can I find general information on housing development? 
 How can I find out about housing finance opportunities? 
 I am looking for a home builder association 
 What resources are available on housing development? 

On-line Document Library
 Tax Policy as Housing Policy: The EITCs Potential to Make Housing More Affordable for Working Famili 
 Vacating the City: An Analysis of New Homes vs. Household Growth 
 Rethinking Local Affordable Housing Strategies: Lessons from 70 Years of Policy and Practice 
 Paying for Prosperity: Impact Fees and Job Growth 
 The State Role in Urban Land Redevelopment 
 City Fiscal Structures and Land Development 
 Housing in the 21st Century 
 Working Families with Children: A Closer Look at Homeownership Trends, May 2004 
 Tax, Title, & Housing Court Search 
 An Assessment of Housing Investment and Price Trends in the West Englewood Community 
 Low-to Moderate-Income Lending in Context: Progress Report on the Neighborhood Impacts of Homeowners 
 Renewing Public Assets for Community Development 
 The Effects of Property, Owner, Location, and Tenant Characteristics on Multifamily Profitability 
 Preservation of Existing Housing: A Key Element in a Revitalized National Housing Policy 
 Stemming the Tide: A Handbook on Preserving Subsidized Multifamily Housing 
 Rehabilitation Data Needs:A Building Industry Forum