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On-line Document Library
 Envisioning Racially Just, Opportunity- Based Housing for the Chicago Region 
 Effects of Impact Fees on the Suburban Chicago Housing Market 
 Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region 
 Uptown Housing and Land Use Study (Loyola) 
 Regional Rental Market Analysis 
 Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets 
 Valuing Housing: Public Perceptions of Affordable Housing in the Chicago Region, 
 Whos buying Where? 
 Lessons from the Field: Three Case Studies of Mixed-Income Housing Development 
 Assessment of Housing Investment and Price Trends in the West Englewood Community 
 Assessment of Housing Investment and Price Trends in the West Englewood Community 
 Out of Reach 2003: Americas Housing Wage Climbs 
 Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America 
 Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America 
 Housing Set-Asides: An Idea Whose Time Has Come 
 Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 
 Examining the Relationship Between Housing, Education, and Persistent Segregation 
 Why Spatial Mismatch Still Matters 
 City of Chicago 2003 Final Action Plan 
 Building Innovation for Homeownership 
 A Report on Worst Case Housing Needs in 1999: New Opportunity Amid Continuing Challenges, Executive 
 Vacating the City: An Analysis of New Homes vs. Household Growth 
 Rethinking Local Affordable Housing Strategies: Lessons from 70 Years of Policy and Practice 
 The Earned Income Tax Credit as an Instrument of Housing Policy 
 How the Federal Housing Administration Affects Homeownership 
 The Anatomy of the Low-Income Homeownership Boom in the 1990s 
 Home Price Appreciation in Low and Moderate Income Markets 
 The Policy Implications of Portfolio Choices in underserved Mortgage Markets 
 Prepayment Risk and Lower Income Mortgage Borrowers 
 Performance of Low-Income and Minority Mortgages 
 The Social Benefits and Costs of Home Ownership 
 Do Homeownership Programs Increase Property Values in Low-Income Neighborhoods? 
 The Impact of Homeownership on Child Outcomes 
 A Critical Look at Rising Homeownership Rates in the United States Since 1994 
 Toward a Targeted Homeownership Tax Credit 
 Equity Participation in Homeownership by Institutional Investors 
 Understanding the Minority Contribution to U.S. Owner Household Growth 
 State of the Nations Housing 2003 
 State of the Nations Housing 2002 
 State of the Nations Housing 2001 
 State of the Nations Housing 2000 
 State of the Nations Housing 1999 
 The U.S. Homebuilding Industry: A Half Century of Building the American Dream 
 State of the Nations Housing 1998 
 Home Building Patterns in Metropolitan Areas 
 Immigration and Rental Prices 
 The Role of Housing as a Component of Household Wealth 
 The New Demographics of Housing 
 The New Demographics of Housing 
 Young American Adults Living in Parental Homes 
 How Local Rent Change and Earning Capacity Affect Natural Household Formation by Young Adults 
 The Great Divide: Home Mortage Lending Nationally and 115 Metropolitan Areas 
 Whos Buying Where Part 1 Maps: 
 Whos Buying Where Part 2 
 Whos Buying Where Part 2 Maps 
 State of the Nations Housing 2004 
 Metropolis Index: Housing as Opportunity 
 Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the Chicago Region 
 Anaylsis of Chicago Foreclosures 
 Losing Ground in the Best of Times: Low Income Renters in the 1990s 
 America’s Neighbors: The Affordable Housing Crisis and the People it Affects 
 Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units 
 Housing Problems by Tenure and Income Range 
 Rental Housing Production Need Estimates 
 Scarcity and Success: Perspectives on Assisted Housing 
 Low Income Housing and Services Programs: Towards a New Perspective 
 Low Income Housing Profile 
 2003 Advocates Guide to Housing and Community Development Policy 
 Out of Reach 2003: Americas Housing Wage Climbs 
 America’s Neighbors: The Affordable Housing Crisis and the People it Affects 
 Working Families with Children: A Closer Look at Homeownership Trends, May 2004 
 Battling Uneven Development in Chicago 
 Metropolis 2020 - Housing Overview 
 Tax, Title, & Housing Court Search 
 An Assessment of Housing Investment and Price Trends in the West Englewood Community 
 Affordable Housing: New Strategies for a Growing Crisis 
 Low-to Moderate-Income Lending in Context: Progress Report on the Neighborhood Impacts of Homeowners 
 The Effects of Property, Owner, Location, and Tenant Characteristics on Multifamily Profitability 
 Preservation of Existing Housing: A Key Element in a Revitalized National Housing Policy 
 Stemming the Tide: A Handbook on Preserving Subsidized Multifamily Housing 
 Preserving the Low-Income Housing Stock: What Nonprofit Organizations Can Do Today and Tommorow 
 Rehabilitation Data Needs:A Building Industry Forum 
 Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicago Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties 
 The State of Housing in Chicago 
 2002 Housing Action Agenda - MPC and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus 
 Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the Chicago Region 
 Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold, Most Like It Here: Forecasting Retirement in the Chicago Region 
 Barriers to the Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Vol.2 
 Barriers to the Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing Vol.1 
 Chicago - MSA Profile and Investment Opportunities 1999 
 HMDA Report for Chicago 1995 
 HUD American Housing Survey - Chicago 1995 
 HUD American Housing Survey - Chicago 1999