A Query allows you to ask questions of the database.
For example, you might ask 'Which Census Tracts have the highest population?' A query takes 4 steps:
Select a geographic level for your query, such as Census Tract
Select the data field that you are interested in, such as Population
Enter a value for comparison. If you want to see all Census Tracts with Population greater than 10,000 enter 10,000 as the comparison value.
Optional step: select data fields you wish to display for the areas that meet your criteria. For Example, you may want to see income or demographic data for the matching Census Tracts.

In Step 1 you chose to query Municipalities

You are now on Step 2:  select a data field for your search criteria and Step 3: enter a comparison value for your search criteria  

Exclude archived fields such as 1980/1990 census data
Enter criteria for your search
  Select a data field:
is greater than
is less than
Enter a value for your search:
