A Query allows you to ask questions of the database.
For example, you might ask
'Which Census Tracts have the highest population?'
A query takes 4 steps:
Select a geographic level for your query, such as
Census Tract
Select the data field that you are interested in, such as
Enter a value for comparison. If you want to see all
Census Tracts with Population greater than 10,000
enter 10,000 as the comparison value.
Optional step: select data fields you wish to display for the areas that meet your criteria. For Example, you may want to see
income or demographic data
for the matching Census Tracts.
In Step 1 you chose to query
You are now on Step
: select a data field for your search criteria and Step
enter a comparison value for your search criteria
Exclude archived fields such as 1980/1990 census data
Enter criteria for your search
Select a data field:
- Average household size (2000 census)
- Rent: Median Gross Rent as Percent of Household Income (2000 census)
- Rent: Number of Rental HH where Gross Rent is 20% or more of Household Income (2000 census)
- Rent: Number of Rental HH where Gross Rent is 30% or more of Household Income (2000 census)
- Rent: Number of Rental HH where Gross Rent is 40% or more of Household Income (2000 census)
- Rent: Number of Rental HH where Gross Rent is 50% or more of Household Income (2000 census)
- Rental HH where Gross Rent is 20% Or More of HH Income - As Pct of All Rental HH (2000 census)
- Rental HH where Gross Rent is 30% Or More of HH Income - As Pct of All Rental HH (2000 census)
- Rental HH where Gross Rent is 40% Or More of HH Income - As Pct of All Rental HH (2000 census)
- Rental HH where Gross Rent is 50% Or More of HH Income - As Pct of All Rental HH (2000 census)
- Median Monthly Owner Costs as a Percentage of Household Income (2000 census)
- Owner-Occ HH where Monthly Owner Costs are 20% or more of HH Income - As Pct of All Own-Occ HH (2000
- Owner-Occ HH where Monthly Owner Costs are 30% or more of HH Income - As Pct of All Own-Occ HH (2000
- Owner-Occ HH where Monthly Owner Costs are 40% or more of HH Income - As Pct of All Own-Occ HH (2000
- Owner-Occ HH where Monthly Owner Costs are 50% or more of HH Income - As Pct of All Own-Occ HH (2000
- Income: Median Household Income (1990 census)
- Income: Median Household Income (2000 census)
- Number of Persons Living Below Poverty Level (Census 1990)
- Percentage of the Population Living Below Poverty Level (Census 1990)
- Percentage of the Population Living Below Poverty Level (Census 2000)
- Income: Per Capita Income (2000 census)
- Median Age (2000 census)
- Number of Households (1980 census)
- Number of Households (1990 census)
- Number of Households (2000 census)
- Population (1980 census)
- Population (1990 census)
- Population (2000 census)
- Foreign-born Persons (does not include persons born in Puerto Rico or US Island Areas) (1990 census)
- Foreign-born Persons (does not include persons born in Puerto Rico or US Island Areas) (2000 census)
- Foreign-born Persons as Pct.of Population (does not incl.Puerto Rican or US Island-born) (1990 censu
- Foreign-born Persons as Pct.of Population (does not incl.Puerto Rican or US Island-born) (2000 censu
- Native-born Persons (includes persons born in Puerto Rico or US Island Areas) (1990 census)
- Native-born Persons (includes persons born in Puerto Rico or US Island Areas) (2000 census)
- Language: Pct.of population Speaking Only English at Home (2000 census)
- Language: Pct.of population Speaking a Language Other Than English at Home (2000 census)
- Hispanic Persons (1980 census)
- Hispanic Persons (1990 census)
- Hispanic Persons (2000 census)
- Hispanic Persons as Pct. of Population (1980 census)
- Hispanic Persons as Pct. of Population (1990 census)
- Hispanic Persons as Pct. of Population (2000 census)
- Non-Hispanic Persons (1980 census)
- Non-Hispanic Persons (1990 census)
- Non-Hispanic Persons as Pct. of Population (2000 census)
- Non-Hispanic persons (2000 census)
- Race: American Indian or Alaskan Native-only persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: American Indian or Alaskan Native-only persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Population (2000 cens
- Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Persons as a Pct.of Population (incl.Hispanic) (census 1980)
- Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Persons as a Pct.of Population (incl.Hispanic) (census 1990)
- Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut persons (incl.Hispanic Indian, Eskimo, Aleut) (1980 census)
- Race: American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut persons (incl.Hispanic Indian, Eskimo, Aleut) (1990 census)
- Race: Asian-Pacific Persons as a Pct.of Population (including Hispanic Asian persons)(1980 census)
- Race: Asian-Pacific Persons as a Pct.of Population (including Hispanic Asian persons)(1990 census)
- Race: Asian-Pacific persons (including Hispanic Asian-Pacific persons) (1980 census)
- Race: Asian-Pacific persons (including Hispanic Asian-Pacific persons) (1990 census)
- Race: Asian-only persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: Asian-only persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Total Population (2000 census)
- Race: Black Persons as a Percentage of Population (including Hispanic Black persons) (1980 census)
- Race: Black Persons as a Percentage of Population (including Hispanic Black persons) (1990 census)
- Race: Black or African-American-only persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: Black or African-American-only persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Total Population (2000 census
- Race: Black persons (including Hispanic Black persons) (1980 census)
- Race: Black persons (including Hispanic Black persons) (1990 census)
- Race: Hispanic American Indian and Alaskan Native-only persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic Asian-only persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic Black or African-American-only persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander-only persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic Other-race persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic White-only persons (2000 census)
- Race: Hispanic persons of 2 or More Races (2000 census)
- Race: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander-only persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander-only persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Total Population (2
- Race: Non-Hispanic Persons of 2 or More Races (2000 census)
- Race: Other Race persons (including Hispanic Other Race persons) (1980 census)
- Race: Other Race persons (including Hispanic Other Race persons) (1990 census)
- Race: Other-Race Persons as a Pct.of Population (incl.Hispanic Other-Race persons)(1980 census)
- Race: Other-Race Persons as a Pct.of Population (incl.Hispanic Other-Race persons)(1990 census)
- Race: Other-Race persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: Other-Race persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Total Population (2000 census)
- Race: White Persons as a Percentage of Population (including Hispanic White persons) (1980 census)
- Race: White Persons as a Percentage of Population (including Hispanic White persons) (1990 census)
- Race: White persons (including Hispanic White persons) (1980 census)
- Race: White persons (including Hispanic White persons) (1990 census)
- Race: White-only persons (Non-Hispanic) (2000 census)
- Race: White-only persons (Non-Hispanic) as Pct. of Total population (2000 census)
- Median Year Householder Moved into Unit (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 1 unit attached (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 1 unit attached (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 1 unit detached (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 1 unit detached (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 10 to 19 units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 10 to 19 units (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 2 units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 2 units (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 20 to 49 units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 20 to 49 units (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 3 or 4 units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 3 or 4 units (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 5 to 9 units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 5 to 9 units (2000 census)
- Units in Structure - 50 or more units (1990 census)
- Units in Structure - 50 or more units (2000 census)
- Number of Housing Units (1980 census)
- Number of Housing Units (1990 census)
- Number of Housing Units (2000 census)
- Number of Occupied Housing Units (1980 census)
- Number of Occupied Housing Units (1990 census)
- Number of Occupied Housing Units (2000 census)
- Number of Vacant Housing Units (1980 census)
- Number of Vacant Housing Units (1990 census)
- Number of Vacant Housing Units (2000 census)
- Vacant Housing Units as a Pct. of All Housing Units (1980 census)
- Vacant Housing Units as a Pct. of All Housing Units (1990 census)
- Vacant Housing Units as a Pct. of All Housing Units (2000 census)
- Number of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (1980 census)
- Number of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (1990 census)
- Number of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (2000 census)
- Number of Renter-Occupied Housing Units (1980 census)
- Number of Renter-Occupied Housing Units (1990 census)
- Number of Renter-Occupied Housing Units (2000 census)
- Owner-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 1980)
- Owner-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 1990)
- Owner-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 2000)
- Persons Living in Owner-Occ.Housing Units, as a Pct.of All Persons in Occupied Hsg.Units (Cens.2000)
- Persons Living in Owner-Occupied Housing Units (Census 2000)
- Persons Living in Rental Housing Units, as a Pct.of All Persons in Occupied Hsg.Units (Census 2000)
- Persons Living in Renter-Occupied Housing Units (Census 2000)
- Renter-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 1980)
- Renter-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 1990)
- Renter-Occupied as a Percentage of all Occupied Housing Units (Census 2000)
- Median Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (1990 census)
- Median Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (2000 census)
-->Category: RENTS
- Rent: Median Contract Rent (1990 census)
- Rent: Median Contract Rent (2000 census)
- Rent: Median Gross Rent (1990 census)
- Rent: Median Gross Rent (2000 census)
- Rent: Median Gross Rent as Percent of Household Income (1990 census)
- Housing Choice Voucher Holders - Number of Households (2003)
is greater than
is less than
Enter a value for your search: