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Assistance programs available in the Greater Chicago Area
  Program Type:   Programs for municipalities and local governement 
  Intended for:   Low-income 
  Description:  Grants and programs for the purpose revitalizing low-income neighborhoods

Programs of this type:
 HUD- Home Investment Partnerships Program (Home) 
The HOME program helps to expand the supply of decent, affordable housing for low and very low- income families by providing grants to States and local governments called participating jurisdictions or 'PJs'. PJs use their HOME grants to fund housing programs which meet local needs and priorities. PJs have a great deal of flexibility in designing their local HOME programs within the guidelines established by the HOME program statute and Final Rule. PJs may use HOME funds to help renters, new homebuyers or existing homeowners.
HOME's Affordable Multifamily Housing and Single-Family programs are available to for-profit developers, non-profit groups and Community Housing Development Organizations, called CHDOs
 The Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) 
The Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) is designed to help improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, to help make available additional emergency shelters, to help meet the cost of operating emergency shelters and to providecertain essential social services to homeless individuals in order to provide access to not only safe and sanitary shelter, but also to the supportive services and other kinds of assistance needed to improve their situations. The program is also intended to restrict the increase of homelessness through the funding of preventive programs and activities.
see URL (below) for eligibility requirements
 Community Development Block Grant Funds 
CDBG provides eligible metropolitan cities and urban counties (called 'entitlement communities') with annual direct grants that they can use to revitalize neighborhoods, expand affordable housing and economic opportunities, and - or improve community facilities and services, principally to benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
Local governments may carry out all activities themselves or award some or all of the funds to private or public nonprofit organizations as well as for-profit entities see URL for eligibility
 HUD- Family Self-sufficiency 
Family self-sufficiency (FSS) is a HUD program that encourages communities to develop local strategies to help assisted families obtain employment that will lead to economic independence and self-sufficiency. Public housing agencies (PHAs) work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses, and other local partners to develop a comprehensive program that gives participating FSS family members the skills and experience to enable them to obtain employment that pays a living wage.
Families that are selected to receive a voucher or who currently receive assistance through the housing choice voucher programs should discuss participation in the FSS program with the local Public Housing Authority.
 HUD- Congregate Housing Service Program 
The Congregate Housing Services Program offers grants to States, units of general local government, public housing authorities (PHAs), tribally designated housing entities (TDHES), and local nonprofit housing sponsors to provide meals and other supportive services needed by frail elderly residents and residents with disabilities in federally subsidized housing. It is a project-based-rather than a tenant-based-program.
See URL for details.
 DCEO: The Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) 
The Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) is a federally-funded grant program that assists Illinois communities by providing grants to local governments to assist them in financing economic development, public facilities and housing rehabilitation projects. The program is targeted to assist low-to-moderate income people by creating job opportunities and improving the quality of their living environment.' Low-to-moderate income people' is defined by federal Section 8 income guidelines.
Units of general local government such as cities, villages, townships and counties may apply for funding. Municipalities must have populations of 50,000 or less and must not be located in an urban county or the 38 cities that receive federal 'entitlemen
 DCEO: Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure (AFPI) 
The Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Program provides funds for infrastructure improvements that address health, safety and economic development needs that inhibit development in the state. The Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Program helps local governments finance public infrastructure needed to support economic and community development.
See URL for more details
 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) 
Provides long-term, fixed-rate financing to new or expanding businesses that create jobs and employment opportunities for low-income individuals. The program links federal, state and private financing by using CSBG funds at low interest rates in combination with bank funds and equity.
See URL below
 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) 
Over the past 19 years, DCEO has awarded approximately $140 million in Community Development Assistance Program(CDAP) Economic Development grants to more than 180 local units of government throughout the state to help them provide low interest loans to businesses locating or expanding within their boundaries. As loans are repaid, the communities place the moneys in locally-administered Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs) that can be used to fund future economic development opportunities within each community. An estimated $100 million of those funds are already back in circulation, helping more than 2,400 businesses obtain the capital they need to expand operations
See URL for details
 IHDA- How To Cede Bond Volume Cap 
Illinois municipalities and counties that have not used all their tax exempt bonding (borrowing) power may cede the entirety or a portion of it to IHDA. This allows IHDA to create a specialized homeownership program in your community at absolutely no cost to you.
To learn more, contact Roger Morsch of the Single-Family Department.